If you know a local firefighter who wants to work close to their Snoqualmie Valley home, the City of Snoqualmie announced yesterday, February 4th that they are hiring a new firefighter. They also announced why trees were cut down in the historic corridor and upcoming meetings where King County Metro will share concepts for all-day bus service to Snoqualmie.
Firefighter Position Open
The City of Snoqualmie is hiring a new firefighter. The union job pays $5100-$6200 monthly, plus benefits. The open position is under the direct supervision of a Fire Lieutenant and the general guidance of the Fire Chief. This position performs the full range of duties of a fire fighter.
The position will be posted until filled. For more information on the job, including responsibilities, experience, special requirements and link to an application, visit the full position description on the City of Snoqualmie website.
Metro to Share Concepts for All-Day Bus Service to Snoqualmie Valley
According to King County Metro, the Snoqualmie Valley is poised to become the first area in the county to see a package of redesigned transit service concepts tailor-made for the needs of valley residents.
Metro began working with Snoqualmie Valley residents last fall to identify transportation options that are more cost-effective and better meet the needs of residents and riders. Using feedback from previous community meetings and a rider survey, Metro has produced service concepts that will be the subject of continued community discussion during two upcoming meetings.
Thursday, February 7th, 6-7:30PM
Cherry Valley Elementary School,
26701 Cherry Valley Road, Duvall
Monday, February 11th, 6–7:30PM
Fall City Elementary School
33314 SE 42nd Street, Fall City
Metro’s proposed concepts include adjustments that reflect the community’s desire to see all-day service to Snoqualmie and improved connections between Duvall and Redmond. A more reliable, better connected valley transit network were also high priorities. In addition to these service concepts, the plan addresses the role vanpools and vanshares play in providing additional transit opportunities
More information will be available beginning February 7th on Metro’s Have-a-Say website. Residents can also contact Ashley DeForest at 206-263-9768 or email haveasay@kingcounty.gov.
Tree Removal Near Northwest Railway Museum
Can you see the trains at the depot better when you drive by?
Chances are you can because several large trees were recently removed along Railroad Ave, adjacent the Northwest Railway Museum. The project was overseen by the City of Snoqualmie Arborist, Phil Bennett.
The old trees were removed because they were diseased and predisposed to blowing over in future wind storms, possibly posing a danger to motorists and causing property damage. All other tree along this stretch are expected to be preserved well into the future.