Snoqualmie City Ordinance For November Ballot Property Tax Increase Introduced to Council Tonight

Washington State has a law (RCW 84.55.010) that limits the yearly property tax increase a taxing district can impose on homeowners.  That limit boils down to a 1% cap on yearly property tax increases by individual taxing districts.  To increase taxes in excess of that 1% limit, that taxing district has to put their increase to its voters for approval or rejection as set forth by state law RCW 84.55.050.

Tonight city ordinance AB12-111 will be introduced to the Snoqualmie City Council that would put a proposition on the November 6th ballot that would authorize the city to lift the levy limit established in RCW 84.55.010.

According to the July 9th city council agenda, the November ballot proposition is in the best interest of Snoqualmie residents and would “pay the costs of public safety, including operations affecting 911 emergency response times, police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians for Basic Life Support; street maintenance and safety improvements; and preservation of parks, trails and natural areas…”

The proposed property tax increase would be up to $0.24/$1,000 of assessed value – taking the city’s taxing district rate up to a maximum of $2.99/$1,000 of assessed valuation for 2013 tax collection.  For a $500,000 home, the increase amounts to $120 year or $10 per month.

The Snoqualmie City Council meeting happens tonight, July 9th, at 7PM at city hall, 38624 SE River ST.  You can find tonight’s agenda on the city’s homepage.

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