The City of Snoqualmie announced on Thursday, May 21, 2020, it is establishing a COVID-19 Snoqualmie Small Business and Community Rapid Relief Program to assist small, locally-owned, Snoqualmie-based businesses and community organizations impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Snoqualmie said it will partner with the SnoValley Chamber of Commerce to help administer the process.
This emergency program will provide working capital grants – in amounts [generally] limited up to $10,000 – to small businesses, social service agencies, and community organizations that meet specific criteria, which are posted on the City of Snoqualmie website.
Some of the criteria include: the businesses and/or organization must have less than 25 employees; have a city business license and operate within city limits as of March 1, 2020; been in business for one full calendar year; up to date on all state business licensing and other regulatory requirements.
Snoqualmie Mayor Larson said:
“Small businesses and community organizations play a vital role in the overall health and welfare of Snoqualmie’s residents. While social distancing is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19, the economic fallout has been devastating. Many establishments in our city will require public financial assistance to remain viable and continue supporting the Snoqualmie community. We are determined to support them in any way possible.”
Many cities throughout Washington State will soon be eligible to receive reimbursement funds from Governor Inslee and the State of Washington through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to support local recovery efforts from the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
Snoqualmie is eligible to receive up to $410,000 in reimbursements for city funds expended to support its COVID-19 Small Business and Community Relief Program.
Application materials and submission guidelines are not available yet, but will be posted on the city website soon. To be notified of the availability, please email
The City of North Bend will receive nearly $210,000 CARES Act funds. City Administrator David Miller said North Bend intends to offer a similar program to local businesses. We will post that information when it becomes available.
Our small towns and small businesses need all the help that they can get during this time of crisis. This is good to see.