Did you know that every year when the Snoqualmie Fire Department hosts its Railroad Days Pancake Breakfast (you know, the longstanding and fun tradition that’s attended by hundreds of residents and occupies the fire station bays) the money raised goes to the Snoqualmie Firefighters Benevolence Fund – a fund designed specifically to help local community members in need?
SFD Firefighter Darby Summers said currently the department is trying to get the word out about the fund, in case community members know any residents in need who might benefit from their benevolence fund.
Summers said recently the Snoqualmie Fire Department worked with the Snoqualmie Valley School District, who provided them with a list of items needed by students, including backpacks and clothing. Firefighters used the fund to purchase those items and then delivered them to the school district.
But the Snoqualmie Fire Department wants to provide even more assistance through the fund. So if you know anyone in the area who might benefit please contact the Snoqualmie Fire Department at 425-888-1551.