Snoqualmie Ridge Homeowners Get Harsh Reminder to Close and Lock Doors

We hear it over and over from law enforcement. One of the simplest ways to keep thieves away is to lock doors and close windows and garage doors.  Yet many of us still forget.

Maybe it’s the insulated, safe feeling acquired from living in a master-planned community with a police station virtually across the street.  You don’t think you need to worry about theft.  Statistically, we live in a great, safe neighborhood, but it still happens.  Open and/or unlocked doors only make it easier for thieves.

Two Curtis Ave homeowners on Snoqualmie Ridge learned this lesson the hard way.

Leslie Bartlett says she left her garage door open and had a new mountain bike stolen over the weekend of July 21st & July 22nd.  She said when she told her neighbor about the incident, that neighbor reported that their car was broken into Friday of that weekend.  Her car was left unlocked.

Leslie wanted other neighbors to know about her incident and use it as a reminder to close and lock doors so they don’t fall victim.  The mountain bike theft was reported to Snoqualmie Police.


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  • We had a similar incident happen about 2 years ago. At the time, Snoqualmie police suspected that the thief that took our mountain bike lived in the Lake Alice community. A good neighbor saw the person but could not confirm the description of the individual, but it was a younger man, tall build, in his twenties. We live next to the trails and greenbelts. It’s a bit scary when you are in your home and a strange man is in your garage! Now, the bikes are locked up, and for the most part, our garage stays closed. I prefer not to live this way, but it’s a sign of the times.

  • Living Snoqualmie