Snoqualmie Valley Info

After two month Search, Police arrest North Bend man Wanted for string of felonies

Fireworks 411: Snoqualmie offers Public Display as Aerial Ban takes Hold; no Changes for North Bend, unincorporated King County

Preston-Fall City Road Closed Tuesday afternoon for head on Collision Investigation

New Grocery Store, Drug Store in Snoqualmie Announced

‘Sun-Shiny’ Good News: Snoqualmie earns Municipal Excellence Award

Police Blotter | Not on my Grass; Who let the Bees out?; Table Skating; Freshness Gone

Runners and Dogs: Onus on runner not Dog Walker when crossing Paths

Business Comings: The Focus is on Wine and Pet Lovers

Mount Si Summer Debate Camp Returns, Learn the Art of Arguing from the Best

Climber suffers Possible Spinal Injury at ‘The Tooth’ near Snoqualmie Pass, Guardian 2 Critical in Saving Man’s Life

BIG Step Forward in Effort to make Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area

County Proposing New System, Fees to Monitor Homes with Septic Systems; Fall City Meeting is Chance to Learn More

‘Behind the Eight Ball,’ City Proposes nearly 50% Increase to Maintain, Upgrade Aging Sewer Plant

Oped | Thanks North Bend, You’ve been a Great Host, a Second Hometown

Snoqualmie Announces Police Chief Retirement, Familiar Face returns as Interim Chief

You’ve Been Bubbled | Large Water Feature Apparent Victim of Soap Prank

Father’s Day Fun in Snoqualmie this Weekend: Dad’s Day BBQ

Police get Tip on Fugitive’s Location, but Gone from North Bend Mobile Home

Car Prowls, Suspected Home Prowler reported in Snoqualmie; Police say Crime isn’t really on the Rise

Police Arrest Man considered Armed and Dangerous

City says Downtown Plaza Project ‘Shovel Ready,’ but New Roundabout hits funding Snag

Encompass gets $100,000 Grant to Create groundbreaking Mobile Therapy Unit

Congratulations Class of 2016, a Look Back at the World that Shaped your Journey

Police Blotter | Trouble at the EZ Mart; Morning DUI from Rattlesnake Ridge; All toys Returned; Watch your purse

Living Snoqualmie