Snoqualmie Valley Info

Police Say North Bend, Snoqualmie Residents Involved in Fiery I-90 Collision Near Preston

Serious Multiple Car, Roll-Over Collision near Preston Closes Westbound I-90

Snoqualmie Valley Police Blotter: Donkeys on the Run, Purse Snatchers, Traveling Hippies

Meet Moe, Learn from His Tragic Story

Dirt Fish Rally School Hosts BIG Weekend Event, Red Bull Global Rallycross with National TV Coverage

School Bond Decision Crunch Time! Future Could Hold Rebuilt High School, Reinstated Middle School, New Elementary School

Learn to Cook for Better Health with Chef Nic in ‘The Up Beet Kitchen’

CDC Confirms Rare D-68 Respiratory Virus Present in King County

King County Metro Cuts Two Valley Bus Routes as of September 27th

Fashion Show Fundraiser to Benefit Local Senior Center, Valley Shuttle Service

Another ‘NO Boredom’ Weekend: Televised Friday Night Lights, Big Block Party, Outdoor Movie, Snoqualmie Ridge Garage Sale

Duvall Police Officer Shot, Pursuit of Armed Suspect Ends in Preston/Fall City Area

Stop the Barking! The Barking ‘Burb’ Dog Blog

D-68 Entero Respiratory Virus Confirmed in Washington, Can Hit Kids with Asthma Hard

‘Officer Kim’ Named New School Resource Officer in Safety Partnership between District and Police Department

Friday Family Time: Fire Trucks, Ice Cream and Fun!

Irony: Jeanne Hansen Park Closed Another Month after Thousands Attend Grand Opening Celebration

Weekend Fun on Tap: Snoqualmie 1st Annual Brewfest; North Bend Festival with Zip Line, Mountain Climb

Mount Si Football Coach Kinnune Included in Best High School Coach in Western Washington Poll

Rotary Golf Tournament Produces Big Donation to Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank

Eight Years in the Making, Snoqualmie’s Newest Athletic Complex, Jeanne Hansen Park, Opens Saturday

Wildlife Sightings: Well, Hello Mr. Bear and Mr. Cougar

Op-Ed: District Lacking Transparency for Critical Middle School Math Placements, Can Cost Kids Future Options

Gigantic Bike Festival Heading to Snoqualmie this Weekend; Riders, Campers, Live Music

Living Snoqualmie