With less than 40 days until the annual Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life, organizers and participants are gearing up for a strong finish .
They met Sunday, June 1st, for a special luncheon at the beautiful Watershed center facility at Rattlesnake Lake to honor cancer survivors and caregivers .
70 Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life participants attended the event, which featured special guest speakers and music from Harpist Olivia Karlov and members of the Mount Si Jazz band.
38 teams are currently registered for the 2014 Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life – and are actively fundraising and preparing for the July 12th event where teams will walk all day and through the night to “Finish the Fight.”
The annual summer Relay for Life cancer fundraiser features survivor and caregiver recognition, entertainment and a special Luminaria ceremony, honoring and remembering those lost and those who care people and families touched by the disease.
Snoqualmie Valley Relay for Life happens July 12th thru 13th at Torguson Park in North Bend. This is the 13th year for the event.
There is still time to be involved . Organizers say community members can still form a team… with co-workers, family, friends – or can join a team already formed. For more information or to register a team visit snovalleyrelay.org or contact organizers at Snoqualmie.relay@gmail.com
Community members wishing to support active Relay for Life teams can also contribute to their fundraising events. Some of the upcoming, local fundraisers include a June 8th Women’s Self-Defense class and a June 14th bake sale near Jay Berry’s in North Bend. The Roadhouse Grill in Fall City is also hosting a wine tasting event every Thursday, with proceeds going to Relay for Life.
To learn more about all the upcoming local Relay for Life fundraisers visit www.snovalleyrelay.org