Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Update – Possible Comeback Of The Year Story!

**  2/18/2011 Update:  SVSD School Bond inched forward a bit with today’s result.  The YES percentage now stands at 59.94%.  The only issue is now – are there enough votes left to count to get to 60%?  No results on Monday – President’s Day.  Stay tuned.  **

Hope is still alive for the 2011 Snoqualmie Valley School Bond.  With another 104 ballots tallied and added to election results, the YES percentage made even greater strides today – up to 59.91%.  Yesterday that number was 59.78%.  With each daily result update since the February 8th special election, the bond inches closer and closer to the magic 60% super-majority number.

The big question remains.  Are there enough votes left to count or is the school bond running out of runway?  The answer hinges on how many challenged votes get reconciled.  It is estimated this election saw 200 – 300 ballots challenged – mostly for signature issues.  Only time will tell how many voters take the time to reconcile their votes.  Challenged ballots can be rectified until Tuesday, February 22nd.  The election result will be certified on February 23rd.  If you have a challenged ballot and have any questions call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE.

For now the magic number stands at 9.   That means out of the remaining reconciled challenged ballots, there needs to be 9 more yes than no votes.  Talk about some drama Snoqualmie Valley!  Daily results updates will continue be posted here.

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