Snoqualmie Valley Wildlife Moment of Zen: Bald Eagle extended visit to Eagle Pointe neighborhood

Snoqualmie resident Barb McDaniel had a magical wildlife moment this past sunny Sunday. March 22, 2020 when a bald eagle perched on her neighbor’s roof… and then proceeded to hang out for a half hour for onlookers to admire.

And what a coincidence – Barb’s Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhood is named Eagle Pointe and she lives on Wilde Ave.

Barb commented, “It was fun having all the neighbors, delivery driver and SnoPo stop and take pictures.”

Don’t worry. She said everyone followed social distancing rules while taking pics.

Who knows – without more people staying home during these unprecedented coronavirus times, this stunning bird may have been missed.

Thanks for sharing all the photos and video, Barb!

I saw a bald eagle up close in my Snoqualmie neighborhood 10 years ago – hunting above a retention pond where baby ducks were paddling with their mom. I wasn’t able to catch it on video, but was amazed by their sheer size along with the size of their talons. Note: the baby ducks dove quickly underwater and survived. Yes, I cheered for the baby ducks.

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  • March 24, 2020
    How exciting to be able to see something like this take place in our neighborhood. Thank you Barb for sharing your experience with us!

  • Living Snoqualmie