While touring the shell of the future Snoqualmie Y this week, I learned something new. In the back corner of the community center there’s a 1,500 sq ft space just for local kids. While I knew this Teen Center was in the design plan, what I did not know was that ANY local teen/tween can use this space and take part in programs. They don’t have to be a Y member. Snoqualmie councilwoman Maria Henriksen put it best saying, “We finally have a place for them.” Time to tell Snoqualmie Ridge IGA employees this tidbit. Their days as the gathering spot for local kids may be numbered.
There is also another room any valley resident can use regardless of their member status. A community room sits right off the front Ridge St entrance. This 650 sq ft room utilizes its space, having the option of becoming two rooms with a temporary dividing wall. Got a brownie troop or community group looking for meeting space ? You don’t need to be a Y member to reserve and use this room either.
All the standard facility components are here and built to green, silver-LEED standards. There’s a nearly 3,000 sq ft workout room with three walls of huge windows facing Mt. Si, a

multi-purpose room whose usage will rotate depending on the time of day, shower rooms, a kitchenette area, an entry hall with local artwork and a fireplace and a middle school-sized gymnasium. 55 new parking spaces were added to the back parking lot, including reserved spots for carpools and electric car charging spaces.
A key aspect to this Y/ Community Center is that it can also serve as the city of Snoqualmie’s emergency shelter if the need arises. That means a generator strong enough to power the entire 13,000 sq foot building is included in the design. And history proves it’s needed. Just flashback five years. It was November 2006, General Election Day. Torrential rains flooded downtown Snoqualmie, including polling stations as we voted on our second failed community center bond. Six weeks later a powerful December windstorm hit the valley, knocking out power for five days; sending me to the barbeque to cook my 5 year old’s birthday cake. That massive, six-foot tall generator is scheduled for installation fall of 2012.
Two months Snoqualmie Valley… in just two months the Snoqualmie Valley Y / Community Center opens. After 14 years of planning, surveying, voting and discussing, a community center opens January 2012. Charter memberships are available until October 31st. After that date, a joining fee will be assessed when signing up. Find mobile membership office hours and pricing information here: MembershipLocations2.
Job fairs to fill numerous Snoqualmie Y part-time positions are slated for Saturday, October 29th, from 10AM – 12PM and Thursday, November 3rd, from 6:30PM – 8:30PM. Both job fairs happen at the Snoqualmie Fire Station, 37600 SE Snoqualmie Parkway. Applicants are encouraged to bring a cover letter and resume, and should be prepared to interview on the spot with someone from our hiring team. For information about available jobs visit the YMCA Career Page.
For all other information or questions visit the Snoqualmie Valley Y homepage or their Facebook page.