Living Snoqualmie celebrates its second birthday today and I wanted to say thank you to anyone and everyone who’s taken the time to read over the past two years. So here it is: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Living Snoqualmie started as a challenge from my husband to do something I liked (writing), combine it with what he has often called my “fountain of useless knowledge” regarding the place where I live and hopefully learn something about technology along the way. Yes, I am technologically challenged. So I gave it a shot by purchasing a domain name, building a website (not as scary as I thought) and writing a story. In about a two-hour time span, Living Snoqualmie was created.
What I’ve discovered over the past two years is that there is still so much I don’t know about the valley, but because of the community, I learn more each time I write. So thank you for sharing your stories and your valley knowledge with me. I couldn’t continue to learn without you.
The second year of Living Snoqualmie was marked by The Storm – the January ice storm and ensuing power outage to be more specific. That was quite a few days. Who would’ve thought that having a generator and a DSL (sorry Comcast) internet connection, when most of the valley was cold and in the dark, would be what, in a way, “launched” a little blog?
I am grateful that I get to write, especially about an area that’s my home. I like feeling personally invested. I am most grateful for the people I’ve gotten to know through writing. I like to believe that’s what it is all about – this community. The place is important. The events are always happening. But, it’s the people who make this place really feel like a home; make it a community in every sense of the word.
So thank you for two years of learning, growing and connecting, Snoqualmie Valley.