Here are a some quick wildlife sighting to pass along to readers – and courtesy of some of you as well. Nothing to panic over, just be aware of the areas where the sightings occurred.
Bear Sighting:
My old neighbor reported a bear sighting in The Heights neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge. The bear was seen yesterday (garbage day) feasting on the contents of a Strouf Ave garbage can. It happened around 5:50AM. The spotter was hurrying to work and didn’t have time to snap a photo. The City of Snoqualmie is still asking residents to call 911 to report bear sightings, as the police department is working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife to track local bear activity.
Cougar Sightings:
Last week a cougar was reported near Cascade View Elementary School on Snoqualmie Ridge. The school followed emergency procedures to clear students from the playground and kept them in the building for the remainder of the day. A reader also reported another cougar sighting last week in the Aster Creek neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge. She says the cougar was seen near the cottage homes off Jacobia Street. This neighborhood is also near the woods off 96th Ave near I-90.
Bobcat Sighting:
A beautiful bobcat was seen on the main road of the North Bend neighborhood of Cedar Village. The spotter said according to the internet, bobcats are carnivores and will eat a variety of small mammals: mice, squirrels, birds, stray cats, rabbits, chickens, small deer.
And lastly, the elk were out at Meadowbrook Farm on Tuesday, which is always a beautiful sight. Thanks for the picture, Anna Sotelo. Glad you finally pulled over to take a closer look! If anyone wants to see bunnies, apparently they are taking over my yard. They don’t even run away from us anymore…