The Snoqualmie Tribe announces Snoqualmie Casino Hotel expansion

At a special council meeting on Tuesday, May 31st, the Snoqualmie City Council unanimously approved the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Snoqualmie and the Snoqualmie Tribe for the Provision of and Sewer Utility Service to the Tribe’s Initial Reservation and authorized the mayor to sign.

The Fifth Amendment would authorize increases in the quantity of wastewater flow and load services provided by the City to the Snoqualmie Tribe, for a hotel and expansion of the Snoqualmie Casino.

The Snoqualmie Tribe then announced that it’s Snoqualmie Casino had commenced a resort expansion.

The multi-phase expansion will include a new hotel, expanded gaming floor, destination spa, a 2,000-seat entertainment and convention center, parking structure, and two restaurants with a third to open later.   

The Snoqualmie Tribe is committed to keeping the dollars slated for the project within the Puget Sound region by hiring local contractors, creating new development and employment opportunities for those from the Native American community, and offering new jobs for residents of the King County area. 

From construction through completion, as the Snoqualmie Valley’s largest employer, the Snoqualmie Tribe will bring an estimated 500 new job opportunities to the region. 

While guests of the Snoqualmie Casino’s future expansion will see and experience new upscale amenities, they will also notice subtle details inspired by Snoqualmie culture. 

From the modern slant roof hotel design representing the longhouses of the Snoqualmie Tribe’s ancestors to the carefully-chosen artwork placed throughout the resort, guests will enjoy state-of-the-art comfort alongside a gentle homage to the Tribe.   

“Through the hard work and resilience of our Elders, the Snoqualmie Tribe regained its recognition in 1999. With our sovereignty recognized, we have continued to strengthen and preserve our cultural traditions, protecting our sacred places, healing our ancestral lands, and establishing enterprises that allow our Tribe to provide our families with education, health care, and housing while also giving back to the community,” says Snoqualmie Tribe Chairman Robert de los Angeles. “This next period of growth at the Snoqualmie Casino allows us to continue advancing those goals.”

Since opening to the public in 2008 and becoming known as Seattle’s Closest Casino, Snoqualmie Casino continues to receive regional and national recognition for its commitment to guest experience, community impact, and workplace excellence.

Photo: Snoqualmie Casino Facebook page

In 2021, Snoqualmie Casino and the Snoqualmie Tribe made history by becoming the first casino and first Tribe to open a sportsbook and offer sports betting in Washington State. 

Snoqualmie Casino plans to welcome guests to its new expansion in Q4 2024.

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      1. Working on it John. Echo the comments on the hypocrisy of the tribe fighting for the sacred lands, but turning around and exploiting it. What great success is it by opening up a casino and expanding?

      2. John,
        There are many contributions that the Tribe has made that have benefitted the community that you hopefully have enjoyed most of your life. It is a little myopic for them to decide what’s sacred. So, they built a casino in the middle of a neighborhood? They never said the Earth was their priority. They managed to build the casino on the sly, slipped in some outdoor entertainment, that “nobody” but a few thousand people can hear. They threw in some traffic (good for the troopers) and trash. They completely impacted their neighbor’s lives and then complain that they have helicopters flying over the sacred falls? Bummer!. I suppose that they could say that they were robbed of their land and they need to promote, alcohol. tobacco and gambling to make it all equitable. Seems healthy enough for me and anyone else that wants to practice loops on the round-a-bout after a few cocktails! Move? Are you kidding, I’m going to open a heli service and start a chain saw choir that will play day and night until this whole area is turned into the party capitol of the eastside and there are traffic jams, people, asphalt as far as you can see. Now that’s what I call sacred!

  • Is the expansion taking place on the current Reservation property or elsewhere?

  • Snoqualmie tribe says “increased local trail visitation has resulted in a degradation of the land” yet they own a giant hotel at the top of the sacred falls and want to now build another hotel, convention center and concert venue on sacred lands? I guess the mindfulness part goes out the window when big $$$ are involved.
    Snoqualmie tribe is also blocking the new parking lot at the base of the raging river trails/snoqualmie point park. Ever drive up there at night? It’s full of cracked out casino patrons dumping litter and used condoms. How is a safe parking lot for people that actually respect the land not good stewardship? I don’t know why but the tribe seems a bit misguided lately.

  • Let’s not forget the additional hundreds of thousands of gallons of processed sewage going over those sacred falls… More for the tubers to frolic in, I guess.

  • Living Snoqualmie