As 2022 comes to an end, we thought we’d look back at the most-read stories of this past year. The list was compiled using Living Snoqualmie website traffic statistics/analytics.
The list includes a much-anticipated business re-opening, a wildlife tragedy, several Mark Davis weather stories and a wreck that left a mess on SR-18 for 19 hours.
Here are the most-read stories on Living Snoqualmie in 2022.
10) Snoqualmie Casino Guest Hits $1M Jackpot on Light & Wonder’s 5 Treasures Explosion™ Slot Machine Thanksgiving Weekend was one to remember for a Snoqualmie Casino Crescent Club Member who hit the jackpot totaling $1,039,633.73 while playing 5 TREASURES EXPLOSION™ slot machine from slot manufacturer Light and Wonder.
9) New Look, New Name, Renovating Snoqualmie’s Irish Pub Through a Pandemic Snoqualmie residents Adrian Webb and Amanda Stoffel announced in March 2022 that their newly renovated space would open under a new name – Saints and Scholars Irish Pub.
8) Police Officers Apprehend Stabbing Suspect in Downtown North Bend In March 2022, a female victim suffered non-life-threatening stab wounds after a male subject opened the door of her vehicle while she was parked at the North Bend Safeway, located at 460 SW Mt. Si Blvd, and began to stab her.
7) If You’re Sick of Snow, Do NOT Read this Forecast, aka the Last Forecast of 2021 A snow forecast by resident Mark Davis of North Bend Weather in December 2021 kept readers reading until well into January 2022.
6) Hang on to Your Plants; Mother Nature isn’t Ready for Spring In April, another Mark Davis forecast told us the calendar said Spring, but mother nature wasn’t quite ready to let winter go.
5) City of North Bend Snowstorm Update: January 3rd, 2022 On January 2nd, 2022, the City of North Bend received an estimated 8-11 inches of new snow on top of snow that fell in late 2021. The overnight storm included blizzard-like conditions that stretched into the early morning hours.

4) Car Prowl at Olallie State Park Trailhead Turns into Carjacking, Suspects Still at Large In June, a person reportedly interrupted a car prowl at the Olallie Trailhead parking lot gave chase to four adult suspects in a reported Dodge Charger who then fired shots at the reporting person.
3) The Death of North Bend’s Princess Ursus Americanus After banging the drum for the past five years with 17 bear-related stories warning of what might happen if we don’t clean up our collective act, the worst happened. A mother bear and her three cubs were killed by Fish and Wildlife Officers in early August.
2) Loch Katrine Fire: No Threat to the Snoqualmie Valley According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the fire was North of Snoqualmie. It was inside the West boundary of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and was approximately 250 acres in heavy old-growth timber.
1) All Lanes Blocked on SR 18 at Tiger Mountain State Forest On September 3rd, the Washington State Department of Transportation reported a semi rollover on State Route 18 at Tiger Mountain State Forest, blocking all lanes. The incident lasted from just after midnight until 7 pm the following evening.