
Medical Emergency and a Late Night Crash on I90

Updated: Collision Blocking Both Lanes of SR18

Updated: Rollover Accident Yet Again Slows Traffic

Updated: All Lanes Snoqualmie Parkway Southbound Now Open

SR 202 – Snoqualmie Falls Park to Boalch Ave NW – Paving and ADA improvements

Updated 7:00 PM: Memorial Day Snoqualmie pass Traffic Delays

Hit and Run Accident Saturday on SR203 Near Carnation

Updated: Saturday Afternoon Fire on Westbound I90

Updated: Tipped Over Semi on SR 18 Snarling Friday Afternoon traffic

Overturned Semi at SR-18 Westbound Creates Short Back-Up on I-90 Tuesday Morning

Southeast Reinig Road to be Closed for Three Months this Summer for Revetment Project

Traffic Alert: Crosswalk Striping to Occur at North Bend Way / Main Avuenue Intersection, May 13th

Story Updated: Unsecured Load Call Starts in North Bend and Ends with WSP PIT Maneuver in Seattle

Erratic Driving and a Sunday Afternoon wreck on I90 & Crash Near Tiger Mountain Summit on SR18

SR 202 – Snoqualmie Falls Park to Boalch Ave NW – Paving and ADA improvements

New Hotel and Senior Housing Potentially Coming to North Bend

Nike Store Theft Leads to Yet Another U-Haul Chase by Snoqualmie PD

Forster Woods Tree Removal and Sidewalk Repair Project Begins Next Week

Serious Car vs Motorcycle Accident in Fall City Leads to Multiple Charges for One Driver

Final Update: Pass Open Both Directions

MSHS Homecoming 2021: Different in a Pandemic, but Still an Event to Remember

Sunday Afternoon Donut “Incident” on I90. State Troopers Claim Innocence!

Impaired Driving Leads to Impaired Boating in Carnation

Updated: Snoqualmie Pass Estimated to open at Noon, White Pass at 10 am, Stevens still has no Estimated Opening Time

Living Snoqualmie