
Meadowbrook Bridge to be Closed for an Inspection

Overnight Ramp Closure from SR 18 to Eastbound I-90 June 22

Updated: All Lanes Blocked on Westbound SR 18 Just East of 256th Street in Maple Valley

Snoqualmie Parkway Rehabilitation Project Begins Week of June 19

Westbound I-90 between Preston and Issaquah will reduce to one lane starting 9 p.m. June 18

Support Transfer of Snoqualmie Parkway Maintenance Costs to the State – Comment Today

Long-term Closure of SR 18 Truck Climbing Lanes Near Snoqualmie to Begin June 7 for Highway Widening

Snoqualmie City Council Approves Contracts to Repave Snoqualmie Parkway and Several Other City Roads

Saturday Evening, Fatality Traffic Collision on 202

Overnight Closure of Westbound SR-18 Planned for May 25, near Maple Valley

Lane Closures Planned May 15-19 in Carnation, Fall City, for Fish Passage Project 

Daytime Lane Closures on Westbound I-90 Between Preston and High Point During Weekdays in May

Updated: Oversized Super Load Truck Loses Steering, Causing a Long Back-up Thursday Afternoon

The Valley Vagabond: One Night on the Edge of the Columbia Gorge

Police Blotter | Felony Warrant Subject; Shoplifting; Injury Collision

Final Update: Sunday Night Multiple Car Collision Westbound I90 Near Issaquah Closes I-90

Fatality Accident Friday Morning Near Tinkham Road

Lane Reductions Coming to Eastbound I-90 in Preston/Issaquah Area Starting Sunday Night, April 30

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Reduces Routes on Valley Shuttle

More Lane Reductions on Westbound I-90 Start Monday, April 17, for Pavement Repair

Traffic Alert April 19-20: Full closure at 361st Avenue SE at SE Fish Hatchery Road

Busy 2023 Construction Season Planned for I-90 Between North Bend and Ellensburg

Westbound I-90 in Issaquah Two Left Lanes to Close Thursday, March 30

Bridge Deck Repairs Require Multi-Day Closures Starting in April on I-90 East of Issaquah

Living Snoqualmie