Welcome Back To The Light Snoqualmie – Now I Am Going To Sleep

As far as I know, Snoqualmie is back in the land of power.   If your house isn’t, I apologize.  This has been quite a journey.  I am glad you are all warm again.  I am happy I could help.  Thank you to PSE and all the out-of-town power crew lines.

I was trapped in the 2006 Snoqualmie five-day power outage.  I remember so well not having a smart phone; wondering how long it would last; hoping for it to end.  I cooked my youngest child’s 5th birthday cake on my barbecue.  If I helped any of you feel connected,  then my mission was accomplished.

I love where I live – regardless of the pit falls.  This is a beautiful place.

Goodnight Snoqualmie Valley.  Here’s to a warm, goodnight of sleep!

Sweet Dreams…..

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  • Thank you so much for your reporting. Your website has been very helpful in working our way through the last few days.

  • Thank you for keeping us updated on conditions. As a business owner on the Ridge we are very happy to be able to provide our clients and their pets with full services starting Monday.

  • as others have said, thanks so very much! we toughed it out for one night but eventually sought the warmth of a hotel in Eastgate. your updates and the resulting conversation kept us up on the latest and also clued us in when we could return to our downtown home. hope you’ve had time to get rested up. thanks again!

  • Living Snoqualmie